Make use of an animated book trailer for your book or magazine
you are planning on launching a book or magazine in the near future, you should
make full advantage of the impact of the digital revolution on the book
We can testify to the scale at which e-readers and
web-enabled reading devices are putting print books out of date and how business
and readers are captivated by digital technology. It makes sense, that authors
and publishers get on board the train of digital revolution to make sure their
efforts receive as much spotlight as possible prior to launch.
They need to tap into creative means of garnering interest
for their books and magazines by using a growing advertising medium – animated
book trailers. The following is an overview of what animated book trailers are
and what some of the elements are that can have a colossal impact on your book
or magazine sales.
What is an animated book trailer?
Animated book trailers function very similar to a movie
trailer except they are shorter in length and rely on creative use of sketches,
drawings, and illustration to bring the characters and content of the book or
magazine to life.
The aim of the book trailer is to grab the attention of the
viewer and appeal to their emotional and intellectual faculties. It embeds
within them a strong desire to know more about the story and keen them for
An animated book trailer has the following elements:
introduction, middle, and a conclusion – since an animated book trailer
is very similar to a movie, it should consist of a story that properly
introduces the content or characters of the book followed by an overview of the
plot and a conclusion.
script – it should involve a quality script that is concise enough to
introduce the theme of the book without giving way too much of the plot. A
voiceover is not necessarily required as the words used on the screen will
A tone
that is according to the theme of the book – the animation should be of
the same theme and genre of the book. If it is a children’s book, for example, it
should reflect the same themes and emotions.
combination of images and animations – the trailer should have the
right mixture of images and animation to give the impact of an engaging and
interactive book. This will heighten the curiosity of readers and instill a
great sense of zeal and excitement.
Benefits of an animated book trailer
Using an animated book trailer can work wonders. It is ideal
for authors and publishers who are expecting to release their first ever book
or magazine or one that caters to a new audience. Teasing readers with a
creative back-story that helps to break down the plot without giving too much
away will spur interest and intrigue. You can share the animated book trailer
on your social media page, online store or website, or on your Amazon author
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